Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
excerpt from: Innovating for Europe
[...] With these ingredients, and the amazing opportunities offered by new technology, I am convinced we can innovate our way out of the crisis.
Lindsey Annison
Rural communities need innovation to survive. We need rural innovation hubs, fibre connectivity projects such as #B4RN, and support from all agencies, not barriers
Lindsey Annison, 30/11/2011 12:46
Perfil Ciudades Kyosei
We are trying to do our contribution to "innovate our way out of the crisis". It is just a pitty we have to do it in isolation, with less support or stimulous from institutions, which should actually be providing a framework that stimulates this kind of creativity but... are investing resources in other things. Right now, most digital social innovators are forced to innovate with a lot of personal effort ans sacrifice. Please, think in ways you can change this. It is not expensive. It just requires a change in your mindset. It is not changing all you are doing (a lot of it is very good!), but complementing it with new ways. Experiment, take small risks... innovate!!
Perfil Ciudades Kyosei, 30/11/2011 13:04