Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] First, we need to make digital literacy, digital skills and technology-supported learning central to the public policy agenda. You are nowhere without digital skills in the 21st century. Ignoring that fact will just breed social exclusion. What’s more, in the future, Europe could face a massive ICT skills gap – if we don’t have the ICT specialists we need, our economy will suffer. We need to get kids from a very young age learning about IT, exposed to online education, and expanding their career horizons.
52.2167, 6.9 - Enschede NETHERLANDS
Amber Walraven
I love this part! I am working with 5 teacher design teams to integrate information skills (searching and evaluating information on the Internet) in the curriculum of 2 secondary schools, and on integrating media literacy (the Dutch mediawijsheid) in the curriculum of a primary school. By designing together with teachers, these innovation become better integrated, teachers develop their own information and medialiteracy skills and education is innovated.
Amber Walraven, 01/12/2011 13:46