Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] However, the Internet was not conceived with security in mind; perhaps, quite understandably, its creators never imagined how pervasive and essential it would become.
Internet doesn't need security ! Internet is cables and hubs, computers ! No Matter ! Internautes need EDUCATION !
guillaume, 06/02/2012 16:06
y t
What is truly needed for internet security is a new role, and several organisations handling it (a bit like banks), this required for security aspects : "iscn idenum-une-mauvaise-idee" and content publishing/buying : "iscn concepts-economie-numerique-draft" Much more than technological novelties, this requires the role legal set up and choosing which organisations handle it 'banks ? Insurances ? ISP ? editors groups ? very specific licence in all cases)
y t, 06/02/2012 16:11