Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] Europe needs broadband investment. So it's a shame EU leaders couldn't agree on our proposals for a digital Connecting Europe Facility; one that would have connected 45 million households to broadband, and paid the taxpayer back with interest. But the broadband objective is no less important: we must use all available tools. Here are a few examples.
Chris Conder
EU leaders are under so much pressure, so its not surprising they choose to believe the promises of telcos who assure them they can deliver through existing infrastructure. The sad thing is that we know it can't be done over copper, but it will take a while for the leaders to realise their mistake. We can't give up fighting to get some fibre into our countries, and not just to dead ends in cabinets which only help a few but statistically look good for feckless regulators.
Chris Conder, 13/03/2013 22:29
Dario Denni
It's quite the time to solve the OTT dilemma. Do they still use networks without contribute to the development and carrying out value from Europe? This is probably the main problem still unsolved.
Dario Denni, 14/03/2013 23:24