Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] I feel young and feisty, but in my 5th and last Internet Governance Forum (IGF) as Digital Commissioner I am turning into an old-timer.
Basil Venitis
Greece is an incivil nation with kangaroo justice, overcriminalization, brutal police, huge political corruption, persecution of dissident bloggers, huge bureaucracy, huge taxation, and 23% VAT. Graecokleptocrats use the kangaroo justice as a political tool to gag political opponents. J'ACCUSE! I accuse the government of Greece for: Persecuting me for four years Stealing my life Stealing my computer and files Spreading lies about me on all Greek media Using the kangaroo justice as a political tool Postponing my trial eight times Locking me in jail without toilet for a night Making me urinate in a bottle Humiliating me with handcuffs, fingerprints, and mug shots
Basil Venitis, 03/09/2014 05:26